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Royal Jelly Benefits

Written By Family Admin on Friday, March 11, 2011 | 9:15 PM

Oh, the Royal Jelly, that sweet oval confection that is the mainstay of Easter basket candies. Parents rely on the economical Royal Jelly to bulk up the basket and use more expensive chocolate bunnies and malted eggs as garnish. But Easter comes but once a year and there are so many other ways to use Royal Jelly throughout the year.

Some creative and some silly uses for Royal Jelly. Should you choose to amuse yourself with the colorful confection, you can find them available all year round through candy stores on the internet.

Let me offer you 32 uses for Royal Jelly beyond the Easter Basket.
  1. Prevention of hair loss
  2. Overcoming the problems associated with premanopouse syndrome
  3. To prevent and help cure cancer
  4. Helps normalize serotonin, which can help stabilize the diet and irregular menstrual cycles
  5. Helps boost the immune system so it can prevent heart disease, diabetes, urinary tract infections and asthma
  6. Helps increase metabolism and helps lose weight
  7. Reduces pain in sinusitis, gout and inflammation of the liver
  8. Reduces pain in osteartritis (rheumatoid arthritis)
  9. Overcoming premature ejaculation problems, issues surrounding women's reproductive/myomas, symptoms endrometriosis, uterine cancer and polycistic ovary (ovarian cysts)
  10. Stabilizing high or low blood pressure
  11. Reduce stress
  12. Addressing and reducing premature senility
  13. Preventing cataract and help healing
  14. Increase in child's smart
  15. Accelerate growth of children
  16. Removes wrinkles on the face
  17. Helping Gangraen healing in diabetics
  18. Smooth and tighten skin
  19. Helps eliminate acne
  20. When applied to the burns will be able to help heal burns and prevent scar on the skin 
  21. Strengthens the uterus and prevent the death of the fetus
  22. Prevents degenerative diseases and tissue shrinkage due to the aging process
  23. Can be used as face masks and cleaning
  24. Eliminate and prevent the onset of gray hair gray hair and grow hair when applied topically on the scalp
  25. Can be used as antibiotics for wounds or even water bug
  26. Helps to eliminate or alleviate allergies and eczema
  27. Normalize blood sugar levels in diabetics
  28. Improve the ability of sexuality
  29. If applied thinly to the face, will help remove spots on face
  30. When applied to remove warts are warts
  31. Healing the bruises
  32. Improve the vision

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